Christmas Books For Adults
Christmas books for kids are great, but Christmas is for everyone! Fear not; we have some fun Christmas books for adults as well. The...

Christmas Books For Kids
Christmas is awesome. Books are awesome. Put them together and what you get is a whole lot of awesome. When we set out on our journey of...

Mark Your Calendar
We have a date set for the Christmas release! On October 18, 2018 we're going to release the next two Christmas books. The release will...

Little Blessings
Are we always grateful for the little things, or do we tend to overlook them? At night, I wake up, usually every two hours like...

At What Price
Something happened this week, and I felt compelled to share it. A friend and I were going to visit someone, and we didn't have a...

Zoo Day!!
If you follow my blog, then you already know that Yarbrough House Publishing, Inc. was headed for the Birmingham Zoo on July 31st for a...

Charity For Who
I've been reading a book the last couple days where a baron from a small, wealthy country was visiting NYC. Because his home country is...

Time For School Already?
Can it possibly be that time already? It seems like it was only a couple weeks ago when I was blogging about the upcoming summer and all...

What Happens in Vegas
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! Wow, they really mean that too. In today's age of technology we have a wealth of information at...

Book Booths
Well, we're still trying to figure out exactly what works and what doesn't. We sponsored a booth at Ashville's Tunes Around Town...