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Charity For Who

I've been reading a book the last couple days where a baron from a small, wealthy country was visiting NYC. Because his home country is so small and wealthy, they don't have any homeless, and seeing homeless in NYC bothered him greatly. Over several days, he brought the homeless man food and gave him money. After a few days, he asked the homeless man to go to lunch with him. While at lunch, the homeless man proceeds to ask the guy why he was helping him. The homeless man eventually got the man to admit that he did it to make himself feel better.

My initial reaction was, wow, ungrateful much? As I continued to read, I thought about it some more, and my wow reaction turned more towards, wow, that could get deep. So, when you help others, are you doing it for their benefit or your own?

Take myself for instance at the community mission where I volunteer. Somedays I'm there because, yes, it makes me feel good to know I'm helping someone. Somedays it is a little of both, and somedays my plate is full. I'm stressed out, and I don't have time. I go anyway, because I gave my word. I made a commitment, and now I have a responsibility to be there. Sadly enough, those are the days when I'm not doing it for myself; I'm there for others. Does that make it right?

Of course not! God tells us to be cheerful givers, and I am not that when I have an attitude problem.

Take some time. Give it some thought, and let me know what you think. When you help others, are you acting completely altruistic? If so, are you doing so cheerfully?

Just as a side note, if you live in the Ashville/St. Clair Co. area and are looking for somewhere to help, we find ourselves in sudden need for a second volunteer in the food room at Ashville Community Mission located at First Baptist Church Ashville on Monday's from 6:00 pm until the last person is seen. You don't have to be outgoing; you won't be asked to sit down and talk with people. Just come ready to move and grove on the busy nights!

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