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Busy Times

Wow, have things been busy at Yarbrough House Publishing, Inc. Last weekend we hosted a booth at the Looney House Fall Festival, and no one was more surprised than I. I thought we were done with festivals for the simple fact that the cheaper ones were $50, and we had never sold more than two to three books. Usually we sold none, so of course, we were losing money in the long run. To be honest, when my mom told me we were doing a book booth, I looked at her and asked, "We're doing what?" My mother, though, is on the Historical Society who are trying to get the Looney House Fall Festival up and going again after a few years without, and to entice venders to participate they were waving the fee this year.

Seriously, I didn't think they stood a chance; it was race weekend for goodness sake. If you're from around the Talladega area, you know that's a big deal. The joke was on me, however. They had a pretty steady crowd, and we did better than we had ever done at any festival. I can only imagine what next year will be like if they manage to avoid race weekend! It's definitely something to look forward to.

On Thursday this week, we had a release party to release the 2018 Christmas books. We had a pretty good turn out. It was sort of fast and furious, but everything went well. I apologize if you missed it, but I promise you something special is in the works for next year. Don't worry you can still get the books at your favorite online retailer or by contacting us at Yarbrough House Publishing, Inc.

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