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Doctors and Lawyers and Such

I ran across a post on Pinterest this morning that said, "Not every child will grow up to be a doctor or lawyer, teach your kids it's ok to work with their hands and build cool stuff." It had a picture of a man woodworking on a very elaborate piece. I'm not sure exactly what he was building, but the intricate details in his work were beautiful.

So, when is it that we decided that what we want for our kids was to be a doctor, a lawyer, or something else associated with such prestige?

Think back to the very first man. Adam wasn't a doctor. He wasn't a lawyer. He tended to plants and animals. In simple terms he was a farmer, not a glamorous job by todays standards.

Let's jump forward to Jesus. Again, he wasn't a doctor or lawyer. He learned carpentry at his fathers side. Carpentry isn't considered a glamorous job either. A farmer and a carpenter will neither one ever be rich, but with hard work they will make a decent living.

What's my point? Maybe it doesn't matter how glamorous your job is or how much money you make. The real difference is in how hard you work.

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