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Mark Your Calendar

We have a date set for the Christmas release! On October 18, 2018 we're going to release the next two Christmas books. The release will be held at the Ashville Public Library. You won't want to miss this!

It just sort of makes sense to hold a book release at a library, doesn't it? We've also noticed that it makes a significant difference in the turn out doing it at a library versus another venue.

Plus, when we do a release, we do it right! There's always food and fun. It's a fabulous way to kick start the Christmas season. Not to mention, it's an opportunity to knock out a little Christmas shopping early.

This year is going to be a can't miss kind of year too. I hope you all remember the children's book, The Faceless Nutcracker, that we released in 2016. This year we are releasing the sequel, Nutcrackers United. It is such a cute book with a powerful message about trust.

You may recall that the faceless nutcracker wreaked havoc with Santa's naughty or nice list thus shattering Santa's trust. What you may not have realized was that it shattered Santa's trust in all nutcrackers. This was a devastating blow for all the honest nutcrackers just trying to make an honest living. They had been banned from the North Pole permanently, and where else were the nutcrackers really going to go? Their expertise was in security, but without Santa and the North Pole, they had nothing to secure. What they need is a way to earn back Santa's trust.

We'll also be releasing the next adventures in the Clause Series, and this year, you get double the fun, two novella's wrapped up into on fascinating package. If you missed The Clause Rebellion and Attack On the Clause, there's no time like the present to get caught up.

In Attack On the Clause, we saw the promise of romance between Declan Anderson from the South Pole and Star Clause. His Christmas Star: A Clause Novella follows their love story as well as digging into the past. Just what caused the feud between the North Pole and the South Pole in the first place, and will they ever overcome it?

Mary Clause was defined by her past. It made her who she was for better or worse. She was independent. Love was dangerous, and besides she didn't have room in her life for a man. She had a much higher calling, vampire hunting. She hadn't taken a day off in so long she couldn't remember. She hadn't even been there for her niece's wedding. A nice vacation with a new found friend was just what the doctor had ordered, but fate had more in store for Mary in Her Second Chance: A Clause Novella.

The two novellas will be paired and bound together so that you get two for the price of one, and more Clause is always a good thing!

There's much more to come on these exciting, new Christmas books, so make sure you stay tuned.

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