Sexy as H***
Sexy as H***, have you ever stopped to think about that phrase? I mean really think about it. I've read quite a few romance books, so I...

Looking Forward to Summer
Well, we're looking in the rearview mirror at spring break, and that means summer is right around the corner. One of the things I love...

Happily Ever After
And, they all lived happily ever after. How many times have we all heard or read that famous phrase? Probably more than you can count,...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I'm always a day late and a dollar short, huh? I hope everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day anyway! You would think with some of the...

Busy, Busy, Busy!
What a busy weekend it was, and we are just getting started. Schools are into full swing with Dr. Seuss month, and what a great month is...

An Outpouring of Love
In 2018, we at Yarbrough House Publishing, Inc. are running a book of the month campaign on Facebook. Each month we will feature one of...

Research and Writing
I was talking with a couple coworkers this week about writing papers for school, and I remembered how much I had enjoyed writing papers,...

For The Love of Writing
I saw a quote on Pinterest by Ray Bradbury. I don't even know who he is or what he does, but his quote was an encouraging one. He said,...

Why We Read to Children
Teachers tell you consistently and insistently to read to your children everyday, but why? Why is it so important to read to your...

Enjoy the Unknown
There is a quote by Charlotte Bronte that I found on Pinterest that to some may sound a little crazy, but it doesn't sound all that far...