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Book Booths

Well, we're still trying to figure out exactly what works and what doesn't. We sponsored a booth at Ashville's Tunes Around Town yesterday, and didn't have much luck. We did sell two books and passed out a lot of flyers however, so who knows? When it started looking like a good rain was inevitable, we packed up our booth somewhere around 7:00, because as you all know books and water don't mix. While we were packing up, we had my niece pass out bags with flyers and a pen inside.

My mom (and our CEO, exciting right!) said that the flyers have been generating attention on Facebook. I'm taking her word for it since I am still learning Facebook. I manage to get a post on once a week or so, but I still wouldn't consider myself Facebook literate. I steered away from it before just because teachers and social media can sometimes be disastrous.

So, we need to find a way to get flyers out, but maybe a cheaper way than sponsoring a book at craft fairs. We might could send them to local schools, businesses, and libraries. It's a start at least. We'll keep brainstorming, and I'll continue to keep you all up to date on what we are doing and how it all works out.

By the way, I mentioned in last weeks blog that no one from the Birmingham Zoo attended our book release. We had invited them since the first Doofy book takes place at the Birmingham Zoo, and this new series with Doofy features characters based on live animals from the Birmingham Zoo. Y'all, I got the sweetest message from them the very next day! They were in no way obligated to come in the first place, yet they apologized for missing it and let me know what happened.

Side note: They spent that day cleaning up storm damage from the night before. I've told you before how much the zoo means to my family and the families at the school where I work, plus all the renovations they've been working so hard on for so long. Join me in praying that they came through alright.

Anyway, their Vice President of Living Collections offered us a free tour of the zoo and behind the scenes encounter. Wasn't that sweet!? With each new experience I have with the Birmingham Zoo, the more I love it! I haven't visited any other zoos, but I don't see how they could possibly hold a candle to ours. Of course, I might be a little biased.

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