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Quite the Compliment

I've been reading a series of books the last month or so that I have thoroughly enjoyed, yet the grammar leaves a lot to be desired.

There was a pattern with the grammar from the very first book. This author struggles with commas. She leaves out the comma when joining sentences with a conjunction as well as other places. Often times she places the comma in the wrong place. There have been a few typos here and there, but mainly it is just the comma thing. It's important though; a comma in the wrong place can potentially change your meaning. I keep having to stop and reread to figure out what it is saying.

On the other hand, there were so many other things that were done right. The characters are well developed allowing you to really get to know them. Each book has a problem and solution, but there is also an overlying "evil" that you get a few more clues on in each book. There's a reason to keep reading. You want to see "who done it" and how. The deciding factor for me, however, was the humor. I love books that make me laugh out loud, and these books definitely do it.

I had to decide, though, at the end of the book whether the grammar was overlookable or not. For me, it was.

Mama was proofing the novellas to be released in October one last time last night. As I was getting ready for bed, I overheard her telling my dad that it was easy to overlook mistakes, because you get so into the story.

Needless to say, it made me smile. That is quite the compliment! When someone can overlook your mistakes, you know you've done something right. At least one person enjoyed reading my books.

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