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Christmas Books For Kids

Christmas is awesome. Books are awesome. Put them together and what you get is a whole lot of awesome. When we set out on our journey of self publishing, I couldn't have predicted the number of Christmas books we would publish. This year will make our third set of Christmas books, and there are so many more yet to come.

This week's blog, however, is meant to focus specifically on the children's Christmas books.

In 2017 we released Nutcracker versus Nutcracker.

Close your eyes a moment, and picture this with me. Two nutcrackers that appear identical in every way, yet they couldn’t be more different. One is a toy maker and one a toy thief. When the two cross paths, the gifts of true friendship will be revealed.

Every so often a children's book comes along with such a powerful message, it touches the heart of young and old alike. This is one of them. I still tear up every time I read this book. The two nutcrackers are exactly alike, but while Bernard is kind and good, Seymour is mean and selfish. It looked as if Seymour had taken everything from Bernard, but one by one Bernard's friends show up at his door. Bernard had helped them all in some way, and they wanted to do the same for him. This is a must have for any book collection.

In 2016 we released The Faceless Nutcracker.

When a beautiful golden, faceless nutcracker shows up in Christmas Town, everyone forgets that true beauty is only skin deep.

The faceless nutcracker creates a diversion by messing up Santa’s naughty and nice list, he and the naughty children of the world go on the attack spreading hate rather than love.

Can anyone stop them?

This book carries good lessons every child will need in their life, but the illustrations in this book are simply breathtaking. If you don't get this book for any other reason, you don't want to miss out on the tremendous art work. It is well worth the price.

In October 2018, we will release Nutcrackers United. This book is the sequel to The Faceless Nutcracker.

Once upon a time, Nutcrackers were the very best security to be found in the North Pole or anywhere for that matter, but since the faceless nutcracker tricked Santa and the elves, Santa just doesn’t trust the nutcrackers any longer. The nutcrackers have a plan though. What can they do to rebuild Santa’s trust in them, and will it work?

This book wades into the subject of trust, how important it is, and how hard it is to regain once it's broken.

Make sure you come out on October 18 to the Ashville library to get your own children's Christmas books!

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