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Sexy as H***

Sexy as H***, have you ever stopped to think about that phrase? I mean really think about it. I've read quite a few romance books, so I have read the phrase many times over. I edit the phrase in my head as I read it, but I'll get to that momentarily.

Question: What is sexy about hell? Satan doesn't lure people in by saying, "Come with me, I'll reward you with eternal torment." What exactly do people who use this phrase think hell is like? What is sexy about torment and damnation?

In my mind, what I read is, "sexy as sin." Sin sexy? You'd better believe it! That is exactly how the devil snares and reels you into his grasp. Sin is sexy, immensely so, and that is by design. Satan knows that there is nothing appealing about hell or even a rouge angel, so he builds sin up to appear very, very appealing.

"Sexy as sin" is the phrase I read in my head, because it just makes better sense to me. Plus, it sort of has the same length and cadence of "sexy as h***." It makes editing in your head much easier to fit in the alternative phrase.

I do edit a lot in my head to clean up language; still, "sexy as sin" does make better sense. Maybe I'll use "sexy as sin" in one of my own romance books sometime and see how it goes over.

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