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Enjoy the Unknown

There is a quote by Charlotte Bronte that I found on Pinterest that to some may sound a little crazy, but it doesn't sound all that far fetched to me. "But, this I know; the writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master-something that at times strangely wills and works for itself."

Ok, now, I know what you're thinking. The writer is not always in charge of their own story, really? Well, maybe and maybe not.

Sometimes the idea for a book comes in the form of the ending. At those times I start writing not entirely sure how I'm going to get to that ending. All I know is that is my final destination.

In the case of The Clause Rebellion, I could very vividly see one scene in my mind. I saw Santa's daughter on a narrow staircase basically throwing a "poor me hissy fit." I didn't know what would happen before that or what would come next; that was where it all started. Eventually that scene developed into something far larger than just a temper tantrum. It ultimately became the scene where everyone realized that Wynter had always had the power to save Anthony.

In other cases I start with several points in the book, and I don't know how I'm going to get from point B to point D. In those cases I just start writing to see how it naturally flows.

Sometimes, even I am surprised by where a story leads. Even when I think I have the story line all plotted out, it may still take a twist that I didn't come seeing. I think that is what makes writing so much fun. When you follow the natural progression of the storyline it can take you places you never imagined.

So, yeah, maybe a writer isn't always master of their own book, but those are the best kinds!

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