Upcoming News
This school year has flown by, but here we are a mere three weeks until summer. It seems the closer we get the more excited I get for the...

The Time is Near
I can hardly believe that we are so near to the 2017 Christmas release! It seems like only yesterday we were releasing The Faceless...

Come One, Come All
It may not be the greatest show on earth, but it is sure to be great fun! On Saturday, September 2, 2017 there's going to be a blue grass...

Upcoming Events
Our last day at Head Start was Thursday. It is officially summer, but it doesn't look like I'll be getting a break anytime soon. There is...

Something To Think About
Quote: If you don't see the book you want on the shelf, write it. Beverly Cleary That's a wonderful quote isn't it? I love the simplicity...

Easy Come, Easy Go
In an earlier post I talked about an etching my sister had done in college. I just knew the minute I saw it that it was the perfect...

Crazy or Not
Earlier today I was working on the book that I talked about in my post last week, Attack On the Clause, when I got to the end of a battle...

The Perfect Pairing
We have a new children's book and new novel coming out July 4th weekend! The novel is titled Black and White, and it is another...