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The Perfect Pairing

We have a new children's book and new novel coming out July 4th weekend! The novel is titled Black and White, and it is another suspenseful romance. I've had it written and lying in wait for some time now, so I cannot really remember what the inspiration was behind the book. I do however remember the inspiration for the cover, which is saying something! Usually I stay out of the art business. My sister is the graphic designer, and I don't make a habit of telling her how to do her job. When we decided to publish Black and White next, though, I knew exactly what we had to use on the cover.

Let me paint the picture for you. This was several years ago when I wrote Black and White. This was not long before I told even my family that I was writing full novels. I can't remember if it was while I was currently writing Black and White or if I had just finished it when I saw Sandy's picture, Two Become One.

As soon as I saw the picture, my first thought was how perfect would be as a cover for Black and White. I was not seeking publishing yet at that point, but I still just knew that Black and White and Two Become One were made for each other.

Two Become One is an etching of a calla lily that when looking at it a different way looks like a man and woman. Since the etching was done in varying shades of black and white it was only that much more perfect a pairing. Our mom picked out which novel to publish next, and as soon as she suggested Black and White I got so excited to pair the book and etching.

I hope you all enjoy the book and etching as much as I have!

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