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Easy Come, Easy Go

In an earlier post I talked about an etching my sister had done in college. I just knew the minute I saw it that it was the perfect pairing for the book Black & White. Even though we were not publishing yet at that time I was sure that etching would be the perfect cover. I kept it to myself and waited until the time was right. It was like the two were made for each other, at least that's what I thought, but what do I really know about art?

The answer would be, not much. I have never been real great at art. My creativity extends only as far as making up wild stories. I struggle to create art. I have also never been one drawn to the abstract. My policy is that if it is abstract, count me out, which made it all the more extraordinary that I was so immediately drawn to this particular etching.

My mother and I got our first preview of the cover art thus far this week along with a text asking if it was too . . . sultry. Personally, I didn't see it, but my mom was undecided. In precaution we asked a couple friends their opinion Monday night at the mission. One was like Mom and on the fence. The second saw something there that I definitely didn't see.

I still can't see it, but maybe that is to be expected. I was always the last one to catch on to the dirty jokes, usually after someone had to explain them. Perhaps I just don't have a natural capacity to take it there.

Nevertheless, we don't want others to see what I can't and get the wrong impression of the book and what is inside. The last thing we want is to give a very raunchy first impression, so to err on the side of caution, I am retracting the announcement in my earlier blog that the etching Two Become One by Sandra JS Coleman would be the cover art for Black & White. Sandy is now working on a new cover. One that I can't give hints to since I have no idea either what it will look like.

Still, I am curious, though, what you see when you look at the etching. Please comment and tell us what your first reaction is to the etching.

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