Christmas Books For Kids
Christmas is awesome. Books are awesome. Put them together and what you get is a whole lot of awesome. When we set out on our journey of...

Mark Your Calendar
We have a date set for the Christmas release! On October 18, 2018 we're going to release the next two Christmas books. The release will...

Christmas Books Are Here
It is official the new Christmas books are here, and they are awesome! If you haven't gotten your copy yet, be sure to get your hands on...

The Time is Near
I can hardly believe that we are so near to the 2017 Christmas release! It seems like only yesterday we were releasing The Faceless...

What's Going On
I am so excited, because we have been so busy at Yarbrough House Publishing! We put out two new books this summer, and we are looking...

What an Honor
I've had a big week. A while back I was nominated by our school for Head Start's Teacher of the Year. At the time I thought, yeah right....

Christmas is in the Air
I know that we have all looked around the stores and thought, "They're getting ready for Christmas already?" Well, at Yarbrough House...

A Tribute To One Of My Heroes
This week I wrote another story in The Faceless Nutcracker Series. In this book a simple toy painter becomes the book's hero. The toy...

Technical Woes
Wow, y'all, just wow! You may have noticed that my blog was late this week. Saturday, when I would normally do my blog, I was working on...

Book Chat
Have you ever sat down to write something, but you just didn't know where to start? I have to be honest with you, that's where I am...