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Thank You

I want to send a big thank you to everyone who helped to make our book release yesterday a success.

I'm happy to say that Red and the Big Bad . . . Wolf? and Doofy Goes To School: The Bossy Goat are officially available to the public. I'm really excited about these books too. Red and the Big Bad . . . Wolf? is our first paranormal romance. As you may have guessed from the title it involves a wolf shifter. It is a lot of fun. Romance, action, a strong family unit, what's not to love?

The Doofy Goes To School series has been highly anticipated by so many. I'm sorry to report that we didn't have anyone from the Birmingham Zoo in attendance at the release. We made sure to send them an invitation since several of the book's main characters are based on real live animals at the Birmingham Zoo. We may not have had anyone from the zoo to attend, but we did get one very kind response from one Birmingham Zoo employee who is interested in the books.

If you missed the release, don't worry. You have a second chance coming up in the next couple weeks. We will have a booth at Ashville's Tunes Around Town on July 7th.

I just wanted to keep everyone up to date on what's going on here at Yarbrough House Publishing, Inc. How about a hint at what's to come?

Coming up this fall we will be releasing not two but three more Christmas books just in time for Christmas. The Children's book is the sequel to The Faceless Nutcracker, and instead of one novel, we're going to release two novellas in the Clause Series. Of course, I'll be sharing more about those books as time grows nearer, so stay tuned!!

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