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Happy Father's Day

I want to start by wishing all the fathers out there a happy Father's Day! I think it's important for fathers to remember the role they play in their children's lives. We think traditionally of mothers as more the nurturer, but that doesn't mean fathers don't play a role.

My dad has always been very supportive in everything. When I started out in nursing, he was right there to tell me how good I'd do at nursing. When I changed my mind and wanted to abandon nursing all together for early childhood education instead, he was still behind me. He told me that was ok, if that was what I really wanted, and he told me that I work well with young kids, that I was more than just a playmate. I could have fun with the kids but still remain in charge when needed. I'd be a good teacher is essentially what he told me.

A few years ago, my mom, my sister, and I started talking about publishing some of my stories. We wanted to go into business together and self-publish. Again, my dad was behind us. He's been nothing but supportive, and let me tell you being supportive is a big part of nurturing.

Maybe when you get sick, your first instinct is "I want my mommy," but never underestimate Daddy's role in getting you where you are today.

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