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Social Media

Social media is supposed to be this great platform to get the name of your books out there and talked about, so how does that work?

Over the last year I have strived to do better with social media. I've started a Pinterest page and try to pin different things regularly. I'm blogging on Saturday's. I'm posting to Facebook on Tuesdays. I've even started a LinkedIn profile. All this is in addition to the quarterly newsletter, but is it working?

As I struggled for a topic for this weeks' blog, I googled Yarbrough House Publishing, Inc. just out of curiosity. The first two results were both from our Pinterest account. One link went to the Book Activities board while the other went to our New Releases board. Ok, at least I'm doing something right, yet there were no hits to our website or Facebook page.

Next, I tried googling the names of each of our books in turn and even "The Clause Series." Some got hits on the first page of results that linked to Barnes & Noble or Amazon. Doofy the Hippo? had a hit linked to Story Jumper. For those who don't know, we had an edition on Story Jumper originally done for one of my classes.

The two most disappointing searches were for Black & White and The Clause Series. On both, I stopped my search after ten unsuccessful pages of results. Surprisingly, Wrong Turn Fairy Tales pulled up the most interesting result. It's surprising, because this was our first attempt where I went through Nook Press. The Process was easy, but the final product proved that I know very, very little about design. Nevertheless, this was the only title to get a hit on Good Reads, two actually, and one was a review.

Ok, so the review turned out to be my sister and my mom, but the second hit on Good Reads linked to a complete list of our books. Only about half had cover images though. I'll have to mention that to my sister, however, seeing how that is a little over my pay grade.

So, is this a good start? It feels like we're falling short, but what are we doing wrong? Anybody out there have any ideas?

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