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Let Summer Begin

"School's out, School's out, teachers let the monkey's out!" No school year can be complete until my best friend's mom recites the annual chant. She starts the first day of each school year with "School's in, School's in, teacher's let the monkey's in," and she started the last day of each school year with the opposite.

The students, I know, are excited to be out for the summer, but they aren't the only ones grateful for summer break. Teachers are just as glad to be out. Don't get me wrong. We love our students, and we will miss them terribly. Sometimes everyone just needs a break. Teaching is a career that is mentally and emotionally taxing, and when you teach young ones like I do it can be physically taxing at times as well. Summer is a chance for students and teachers alike to step back, take five, and just relax. It's a preparation really for the next year.

So, how do you relax? For kids, it usually involves running themselves ragged playing. For me, I like to devote more time to my books. I have more time to read, which I love, but writing is my favorite way to relax. I can't wait to get back to my books! My next venture is to dive back into the Clause series, and I am thrilled. I absolutely love writing that series! If you haven't read The Clause Rebellion and Attack On the Clause, I would suggest it. It has been so much fun to write. Even reading back through each volume in review, I find myself completely caught up in the story, enamored with the characters, and just engrossed in the Clause lives.

With it, summer also brings our next book release! I am super eager to see the reception for the Doofy Goes To School series. There has been so much response for Doofy and request for more Doofy books. I am equally excited for the novel to be released, Red and the Big Bad . . . Wolf? It is, quite obviously, a shifter book. Shifter books usually bring out extreme reactions. Readers either hate shifter books or love them, but their opinion is already formed before they read the first word. I'm encouraged with Red and the Big Bad . . . Wolf? because my mom is one who doesn't usually read shifter books. She had to read it in order to proof it, of course, and I have to admit, I was leery of her reaction. I was pleasantly surprised to find that she was actually enjoying it. Hopefully, our readers will enjoy it as well!

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