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A Mother's Job is Never Done

I am not a mother, so I can't tell you from personal experience. I have, however, watched my own mother for thirty-seven years. As we grew up she assumed so many roles: nurturer, teacher, nurse, adviser, and so many more. The only role she didn't play at that time was the one of friend. I imagine it was a thankless job. You do everything possible for your kids, yet you can't even call them friend. That isn't the job God put before you, though. First and foremost you are called to be a mother to your kids. Do not confuse mother with friend; the two are not equal. If you do your job right, the day will come after your kids are grown that you can finally call them friend, but a mother goes through years and years in a thankless job before they finally see the payoff.

I still tease my mother sometimes telling her she's not my friend. She's my mommy. I think, though, that maybe both are true. My "raising" is done. Now it is time for my parents to stand back and see just how well a job they did. Still, my mommy is my mommy. When I'm sick, I want my mommy. When something goes wrong and I need help, I want my mommy. My mother still does so much for me that it is amazing to see how she juggles it all.

Yes, my mother is very much my friend now, but she'll always be my mommy. Happy Mother's Day!!

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