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Cold Enough Yet?

Is there anyone else out there who just feels cold all the time lately?

I told my mom that I was done with winter and asked her if she could turn it off. Unfortunately for me, her answer was, "I wish." Not exactly what I was looking for. It is just plain cold, and it doesn't look like the cold is going anywhere for a minute. This is the kind of weather where you stay inside, curl up under a blanket, and read a good book or two. Lucky for you, I can recommend a few.

Wrong Turn Fairy Tales is only available on Nook. It was my first venture out into the wide world of self publishing. Sandy did the super cute cover, but the layout for the rest of the book is on me. The layout is admittedly lacking, but it is a cute little storyline. The main character, a trained debutante looking to marry, finds herself falling through one fairy tale to the next. Even though each one turns out the way tradition told her it should, she always felt something missing. Will she find the missing piece before it's too late?

Our second novel was More Than Instinct, and you'll all be happy to know that Sandy did all the design work from the cover to the layout. It's more widely available too! You can get it in ebook from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Books-a-million; you can also get it in paperback form.

More Than Instinct has been my dad's favorite novel so far. It's got mystery, suspense, and yes a little romance too. Kat had a past best left forgotten. Jackson had a past he couldn’t get over, but when circumstances throw them together in a dangerous game, they had to find a way to work together. What they would find was that, “This whole mess had bonded them in a way that could never be undone.”

Ok, funny story: when my dad read this book, he was telling me afterwards how much he had enjoyed the book, especially the surprise ending. My immediate reaction was, "Wait, what surprise ending?" There really was a surprise ending. It had just been so long since I had written it, I had forgotten that I had gotten to the end with loose strings I had to tie up. They tied up nicely in a surprising twist at the end. Want to know the surprise? You'll just have to read the book!

We have a second suspense novel out called Black & White. My favorite part of this book is probably the cover. (That doesn't sound great coming from the author, does it?) Two Become One was an art piece that Sandy had done in college, but the first time I saw it I knew it would be perfect for Black & White. That was years before we ever tried our hand at self publishing.

The story is good too though. The whole operation is very hush-hush. Neither local, state, nor federal authorities know anything about this top secret branch of the CIA. Most governmental officials know nothing at all, and very few CIA know about this branch. Shantelle is a secretary by title, but in reality she is so much more. Jayson has worked for this branch for over five years now. Both are dedicated to the job, but when things begin to go under and ridiculous demands are made, will they do whatever it takes to save their company?

If you are still in the Christmas mood, you might want to check out The Clause Rebellion! This is an extremely fun series; I have loved every minute of it!

You would think that being the daughter of Santa would be a dream come true, but you would be wrong. Wynter Clause is miserable. She wants to get away, so she goes to the one place where she knows no one will look for her, the South Pole. Unfortunately, everyone in the South Pole hates the Clauses. Hiding her true identity seems the only way to survive. Will Wynter be found out? Will the South Pole people accept her? Will Wynter ever step up to the duties that she left behind in the North Pole?

If you have already read The Clause Rebellion, I hope you loved it as much as I do, but check out the next in the series, Attack on the Clause!

In Attack On the Clause tensions finally come to a head between the North Pole and the South Pole. At last there is going to be some finality to the feud one way or the other, and Wynter Clause is caught in the middle between her family and the people she loved in the South Pole. Hate is a strong emotion, but so is love. Which one will prevail in the end?

Be sure to check back in Fall, 2018 for the The Clause Tradition! Try to keep warm out there, and read a good book for me!

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