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Just Think About It

I've been doing some thinking this week, and bear with me. Not all of my thoughts are normal. So, a pitchfork? Some correlate it with farming or yard work, but more often than not it is correlated with the devil.

Picture a cartoon devil or a devil Halloween costume. Was there a pitch fork? Of course there was, more specifically a three pronged pitch fork. Why? I mean really, who came up with the concept that the devil has horns, a long tail, and carries a pitch fork?

Think about the pitch fork for a minute. It is one tool. One tool that has three prongs. Three parts in one. Is that sounding familiar yet? Three in one like the trinity, God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? So, why in the world would the devil carry something that could so easily symbolize God? He wouldn't! He turned away from God, and as punishment he was cast into hell. (Serious side note here: Hell is a special place designed for the very worst of blasphemers. It's worse than anything you can possibly imagine. If you thought war was bad, hold on tight. It has nothing on hell. If you thought starving to death was bad, hold on tight. It has nothing on hell. If you thought drowning or suffocating to death was bad, hold on tight. It has nothing on hell. If you thought burning to death was bad, hold on tight. It has NOTHING on hell. Clearly hell is not where you want to spend eternity. Think about that one a while.)

Now, picture an angel, not one of those beautiful female angels we put on top of our Christmas tree each year. Picture the closest we can imagine to the real deal. If you can't picture anything but the angel on top of your tree, do a little research in the Bible. Angels are not female or sweet looking.

Angels are male warriors. Picture the biggest, strongest, most intimidating warrior you can. That is closer to what an angel looks like. Here is this warrior of God. Isn't it more likely that he would carry a weapon symbolic of God?

It is something to ponder anyway. Personally, I don't know that I will ever be able to see a devil costume complete with pitch fork without thinking, "Yep, keep running devil, because you can't get away from God."

Ok, that is a little odd, but then, I did try to warn you it wasn't normal.

Bonus: We are officially on Pinterest now, so check us out, Yarbrough House Publishing on Pinterest!

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