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Keeping Up With the Race

Does it ever feel like you are constantly running just to keep up? Does it feel like you can never get ahead for trying to catch up?

If so you're far from alone. For teachers summer is supposed to be a time to recuperate so that we can start the brand new year with a fresh outlook, a rejuvenated smile, and a positive attitude. Ah, if only, right?

I don't really feel like I have slowed down yet. We did an online release in June (thank you to everyone who made that a success); my best friend's wedding was July first. Then there was the big Fourth of July at my cousin's house, and now we are already preparing for the next craft fair.

My mom, best friend, and I have been painting all day preparing for a booth at the Blue Grass Festival at Horse Pens 40 on September second. For anyone who has already noticed that I did not mention Sandy's name, no, she is not flaking out on us. She is at her home in Huntsville today busy with her first LulaRoe party. That is a clothing line for anyone who doesn't know yet. The first time my mom and sister started talking to me about LulaRoe, I kid you not my first thought was, "Who in the world is Lula Roe, and what in the world does she have to do with me."

More to the point, though, here in Ashville we painted twelve crates as part of our display. They are going to serve a double duty to move the books quicker and easier too! It is going to be such a colorful display. I just can't wait to see it put to use.

We've also been painting empty wine bottles and mason jars for display purposes as well. As you may know already if you've been following our progress, the children's book we released at the end of June was titled The Life of a Firework. It was basically following a fireworks journey from shelf to vibrant explosion into the night sky of a beautiful Fourth of July. Plus since the Blue Grass Festival coincides with Labor Day weekend, we are going to do a red, white, and blue theme on our table display. So, if you love all things patriotic or if you just need a shot of patriotism, come check out our booth, and don't forget to look for the crates while you are there!

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