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It's here! It's here! It's finally here!

The party we've all been waiting on is finally here! Don't miss out this Tuesday night, June 27 from six to eight. Come for a minute, or stay for the whole thing. It doesn't matter when you show up or how long you stay; just be sure to log into the release party of the summer where we will be releasing two new books.

And, the books are . . . drumroll please . . .

The Life of a Firework

Come with us as we follow the life of a firework from shelf to fulfillment. Just what does a firework do? What are his biggest hopes and dreams, and will those hopes and dreams come true?

Black & White

The whole operation is very hush-hush. Neither local, state, nor federal authorities know anything about this top secret branch of the CIA. Most governmental officials know nothing at all, and very few CIA know about this branch.

Shantelle is a secretary by title, but in reality she is so much more. Jayson has worked for this branch for over five years now.

Both are dedicated to the job, but when things begin to go under and ridiculous demands are made, will they do whatever it takes to save their company?

Don't be the only one to miss out! Join us Tuesday night from six to eight or any time in between at

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