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Self Promotion

We're getting all geared up for the release of our new books, The Life of a Firework and Black & White. The books have been ordered, and the release date has been set for June 27. We are going to try our hand at an online release this time. It will be our first Facebook hosted party. We've done our research, made a plan, decided on games (with prizes). It should be a blast, so if you can log in on June 27 from six to eight, or any time in between, you should join us!

We even have keychains to help promote the release party! This is where I fall short. The keychains were a great idea. They were easy to do, but now I have a Ziploc bag of them riding around in my purse not getting passed out. I either get so busy I don't think about it, or it isn't good timing. Let's face it, passing them out at a funeral/viewing would just be tacky and in poor taste. Not to mention it would feel disrespectful to a dear loved one who has gone home to be with the Lord.

A bridal tea didn't feel like much better timing. Seeing people who I haven't seen in years, and probably won't see again for some time, would have been a good time to give out promotional items, right? Except, a bridal tea should be all about the bride! This is my best friend's big day we're talking about, and I didn't want to do anything that might take away from that.

Then, of course, there is the fact that I am terrible at self promotion. I hate it; it simply makes me uncomfortable to talk about myself. This is probably a by product of being shy. Self promotion is by definition bringing attention to yourself or what you've done. "Check me out! See what I did? I did so good. Hooray for me!" Who does that?

I thought passing out keychains would be so much easier, but so far I haven't done so hot with that either. I'm excited about the release. I really am, but I don't know how to incite that same excitement in everyone else without feeling like it translates out to, "Hey, look at me!"

Does anyone out there have any suggestions? Does it get easier with time? Or, is this one of those times you just have to suck it up and do it anyway?

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