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Mama's Wisdom

I had an ah-ha moment this weekend. We were on our way back from my nieces dance recital, my mother, my best friend, and I, and we had stopped for lunch. I was joking around, acting a little too cute for my own good, and I said, "You notice God hasn't put anything else on my plate. He'll never give you more than you can handle."

My mother just as matter of factly as you please replied, "People say that, but it isn't true."

My immediate thought process was, now where in the world is she going with this one, so of course I had to ask, "What?"

"God does give you more than you can handle, because you aren't supposed to handle it yourself. He wants you to lean on Him."

Wow. What was I supposed to say? What I said was, "That's true," and it was. Her rational was fact, and her logic seemed sound. I had never heard anyone say that before, and I certainly hadn't put it together myself that the two were contradicting.

What a thought though! He's going to give me more than I can bear, not because He wants to watch me flounder but because he wants me to ask for His help. As that really sunk in, I felt less stressed, and that is saying something for a teacher at the end of the year. People think, oh you're almost finished. While that is true, we tend to go out with a bang. There is more paperwork at the end of the year, last minute preparations, not to mention breaking down a classroom that took you all year to perfect and all the extra stuff that administration finds to pile on top.

My extra this year was a big project that I had thankfully completed the weekend before and a training course that I was only halfway through. Amazingly, or maybe I should say predictably, after that conversation my work seemed to pick up speed. I breezed though the training course I was working on for school, and that was a huge weight off my shoulders!

Isn't it amazing the wisdom we can learn from Mamas if only we'll listen.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. Remember your children are never too old for you to teach!

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