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Loud Minds and Inspirations

Quote: "Quiet people have the loudest minds." Stephen King


That is true in my case at least and I think in most writers as a whole. There is always so much going on in my mind at any given time. Sometimes there is so much going on that I can't focus on any of the many trains of thought running at one time. At those times I have to stop and intentionally force the least relevant thoughts out or at least to the back of my mind where I'll address them later.

Ok, it is confession time. If you see me driving down the road and it looks like I'm talking to myself, I am no more talking to myself any more than it is me speaking. Most likely I am talking my way through a scene from one of my books I'm working on or talking through a plot. I actually do that a lot. As crazy as that sounds, at least I haven't jumped completely onto the

crazy train.

This week in particular I've had the VBS CD going continuously in my car, because it is much easier to learn the motions that week if I am not trying to learn both the words and the motions. I have also had the plot for a new book going through my head. I blame MLB opening week for the new plot. We had a Braves kick off party last Saturday, and of course, me being as much of a baseball fan as I am, I have been super excited about baseball since opening day. So, I'm not really surprised that I have a new plot rolling around my head that revolves around the MLB. Getting to the point, I have been talking my way through the plot and various scenes trying to decide if it is an interesting enough idea to expand into a full length novel. I'll start out singing the VBS songs, or in some cases trying to sing them. Then I'll suddenly jump without warning to a possible scene in the new plot. Just as suddenly as I started the scene, I'll start singing again. The next time I may talk my way through the same scene but slightly different to see which way sounds better, which way I like best, and which way I can work into an entire plot.

It occurred to me more than once on the way home from work this week, that people who pass me in the afternoons must think I am some loon who talks to herself all day. My mind may be loud, but it sure does keep me occupied.

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